What is an Endodontist and What Do They Do?

Endodontists are highly trained dental specialists who specialize in diagnosing and treating tooth pain, diseases, and infections. Learn more about what endodontists do here.

What is an Endodontist and What Do They Do?

Endodontists are highly trained dental specialists who specialize in diagnosing and treating tooth pain, diseases, and infections. They have additional training that helps them diagnose and treat tooth pain and perform root canal treatments, a special procedure designed to save an infected or decayed tooth. Endodontists focus on caring for complex dental problems that primarily affect the dental pulp (the inside of the teeth). They use advanced techniques to treat dental pulp and root tissues.

These specialists focus on relieving toothache while saving your natural tooth, whenever possible. Endodontists receive two or more years of advanced training and dedicate their practices to specific procedures related to the nerves and pulp of the teeth. They use advanced technologies and highly specialized techniques to treat the infected area quickly and effectively.

Hillary Ackroyd
Hillary Ackroyd

Professional tvaholic. General beer fanatic. . Evil tv practitioner. Award-winning explorer.

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